Combining real and fictional events, this movie centers around the historic 1986 World Series, and a day in the life of a playwright who skips opening night to watch the momentous game.
Release Date: March 10, 2006
June 15, 1988
November 01, 2001
September 01, 1944
December 08, 1989
January 23, 1948
February 09, 1976
October 26, 2005
December 15, 2004
November 21, 2013
November 29, 2013
October 01, 1993
January 01, 1967
July 01, 2005
June 16, 2006
December 13, 1996
May 08, 2014
September 17, 1999
August 11, 2000
February 14, 1967
April 20, 1989