In the small town of Quaint, Bruce Levin (Adam Templar) owns a respectable B&B establishment. Sleeping around with various women behind his wife's back, he does not realise that his actions are soon to catch up with him in the form of a mysterious traveller, Sya (Inna Bagoli). Trying to mend relationships with his deranged mistress Veronica (Rita do Vale Capela) and wife Maria (Maribeth Dixon), he must face the wrath of their interlocking vendettas.
Release Date: March 27, 2018
September 24, 1993
May 01, 1981
August 13, 1982
June 01, 2005
February 10, 1953
July 25, 1980
June 28, 1999
October 20, 2009
September 03, 2001
May 11, 1983
December 01, 1963
May 14, 1998
August 10, 2001
October 04, 2024
March 21, 1991
June 21, 1996
November 21, 2023
September 01, 1979
October 17, 2004
August 27, 2004