A story of childhood life during wartime Japan. Takeshi, the intelligent son of a fisherman, is the schoolyard bully. When his cousin comes to stay with his family to avoid bombing raids, Takeshi at first treats him well, then begins bullying him too. Takeshi eventually loses his position of leadership.
Release Date: January 12, 1990
October 29, 1963
December 14, 1984
February 14, 1991
September 23, 1994
January 15, 1943
October 01, 1985
April 22, 1953
April 10, 1955
March 23, 1940
March 25, 1983
April 01, 1930
August 08, 1986
April 26, 2002
September 23, 2005
March 04, 1955
March 15, 2005
February 27, 2004
January 21, 1976
December 30, 2008
November 12, 2013