Perpetually picked on and endlessly neglected Sybil Pittman finds little joy in her life...except for her massive doll collection that has grown to perverse proportions! Every day, Sybil locks herself in her basement, broadcasting her doll restoration vlog all by herself, that is until the remnants of a mysterious doll - the dreaded "Baby Oopsie" comes into her life! After carefully restoring the doll, Sybil comes to realize that the tiny terror is exacting revenge on her oppressors, mercilessly murdering them one by one. And while Sybil finds herself enjoying Baby Oopsie's bloody brand of vengeance, she soon changes her tune when the demonic toy turns its evil attentions to Sybil and those she actually cares about.
Release Date: August 06, 2021
November 09, 1988
December 26, 2018
November 21, 1985
October 15, 1998
September 09, 1945
November 09, 1990
August 30, 1991
November 12, 2004
June 04, 2019
October 02, 2014
May 24, 1995
July 11, 2006
September 21, 1994
December 18, 2004
September 01, 1991
August 02, 2024
March 12, 1992
October 01, 2020
October 18, 2014
August 08, 2017