Based on the beloved book by Scott O'Dell, this family movie tells the adventures of a young Native American girl. After her father is killed by a malevolent white trapper, Karana joins her community as they leave their island home in the Pacific to live on the mainland. Upon her departure, Karana realizes that her brother has been left behind. She immediately swims back to be with him and the two remain on the abandoned island. Though Karana is able to domesticate a wolf, her brother is not so fortunate with the animals and is killed by a pack of wild dogs. She is left to survive against the odds.
Release Date: September 10, 1964
January 11, 2024
December 12, 2008
August 08, 1990
April 16, 1992
May 05, 1995
November 18, 2009
March 18, 2017
September 13, 1986
November 04, 1937
October 18, 2024
April 01, 2023
October 07, 1962
October 10, 1963
September 20, 1964
May 02, 1979
November 18, 1959
June 13, 1967
December 18, 1969
November 16, 2001
November 16, 2005