A 1984 direct-to-video tokusatsu short film produced and distributed by Daiei Video. The film is roughly divided into two portions; in the first, the main character speaks directly to the audience and introduces several pilots for the movie, which are played in their entirety. These include The Mighty Lady—an 8-milimeter student film produced in 1983—and two 1984 films simply titled Mighty Lady. This is followed by the film's main body, an original story in which Mighty Lady attempts to live life as a schoolgirl, then fights a giant robot.
Release Date: August 20, 1984
January 21, 2010
October 01, 2014
April 22, 1967
April 15, 1995
June 30, 1995
August 09, 1998
August 01, 1968
December 17, 1966
August 08, 1965
April 02, 2008
March 26, 2016
October 01, 1957
December 11, 1993
January 31, 2009
March 12, 1983
November 14, 2015
July 25, 1974
July 05, 1989
April 17, 1993
March 15, 2014