Maria has been gifted to a college student, Akiba, by his academic mentor Yoshiyuki, who has died under suspicious circumstances. Little does Akiba known that Maria has been reprogrammed by Yoshiyuki to do battle against the evil Host-Droids – male robots designed by a rival robotics company to take revenge on the female species.
Release Date: April 27, 2010
January 11, 1982
July 30, 1974
July 11, 1990
December 04, 2011
July 26, 2005
June 01, 1973
November 18, 2003
June 19, 1997
February 05, 1982
January 01, 1981
July 07, 1976
September 23, 1986
September 20, 1968
February 01, 1974
February 26, 2002
October 01, 1987
December 22, 1979
June 20, 1987
June 25, 1996
November 08, 1996