One day, nineteen-year-old university student Yuji gets dumped by his girlfriend Keiko for no apparent reason. Sad and baffled by this sudden development, he opens a newspaper and sees an advertisement of an agency called Evening saying they hire hosts to work with female customers. Yuji calls them and soon begins working as a gigolo. In this new job he faces some unexpected trouble at first; however, his kind and honest attitude eventually wins the hearts of his clients.
Release Date: January 10, 1992
January 01, 1985
April 05, 2021
April 09, 1988
July 21, 1992
January 24, 1997
August 27, 1993
March 20, 1993
March 18, 1989
July 27, 1991
December 31, 1995
June 30, 1973
December 16, 1987
May 25, 2000
October 27, 1995
May 21, 1996
February 25, 1998
November 06, 2002
March 04, 1990
May 14, 2016
April 13, 2013