Mike Anderson, a tough American reporter on a dangerous foreign assignment, finds his own life in jeopardy when he uncovers a deadly labyrinth of political intrigue that threatens the lives of thousands. Dispatched to investigate a mysterious and fatal attack on an overseas US naval base, Anderson, a leading investigative journalist and ex-US marine, finds himself back on familiar ground. Instinct makes him question the official CIA explanation that cites an unknown terrorist group called Black October. Alone, and armed only with his combat training and determination to uncover the truth, he sets out to expose a complex and dangerous political web.
Release Date: February 22, 1991
June 06, 1935
March 16, 1960
January 15, 1943
October 09, 1992
August 21, 1946
July 08, 1959
November 23, 2005
August 26, 1994
June 27, 1973
July 15, 1988
March 08, 2001
March 23, 2006
December 25, 1997
May 17, 2006
April 07, 1974
February 05, 2004
May 19, 1979
March 15, 2002
September 07, 2005
June 16, 2004