The adventures and misadventures of Tom and Huck on the Mississippi River in Missouri with their involvement when they fall in with a gang of con artists, take up with a ragtag circus, help a freed slave buy his sister's freedom, and then see a dastardly villain get her.
Release Date: February 27, 1982
August 30, 2000
May 20, 1994
April 21, 1995
January 12, 2000
July 21, 1960
February 10, 1939
January 01, 1985
September 28, 1984
January 01, 1984
December 22, 1995
February 11, 1938
June 01, 1980
January 01, 1995
December 10, 1917
December 20, 2012
August 02, 2018
July 09, 1981
June 01, 1990
October 23, 2014
August 29, 1958