Yoshida's first feature follows the lives of young students against a background of jazz, emptiness and boredom. The plot is fairly simple: a "good-for-nothing" from a poor background falls in love with the young secretary of his rich friend's father. The woman senses good in him and tries to lead him on the right path.
Release Date: July 05, 1960
October 26, 2007
May 08, 1992
February 09, 2008
April 24, 1973
May 10, 2007
May 28, 1963
May 20, 1944
November 25, 2009
October 12, 2001
May 14, 2019
April 27, 2007
September 11, 1963
October 14, 2005
September 02, 1994
May 04, 1988
December 09, 1950
October 16, 2005
December 19, 1968
March 25, 1981
December 30, 1966