The adventures of two amiably aimless metal-head friends, Wayne and Garth. From Wayne's basement, the pair broadcast a talk-show called "Wayne's World" on local public access television. The show comes to the attention of a sleazy network executive who wants to produce a big-budget version of "Wayne's World"—and he also wants Wayne's girlfriend, a rock singer named Cassandra. Wayne and Garth have to battle the executive not only to save their show, but also Cassandra.
Release Date: February 14, 1992
April 10, 2009
June 05, 2009
November 06, 1968
July 08, 1999
June 02, 2009
April 01, 2005
June 20, 2024
September 07, 2017
April 19, 1977
April 09, 2004
March 14, 1975
July 26, 2006
January 20, 2022
December 18, 1982
August 10, 1960
December 18, 1996
October 25, 2002
September 15, 2000
March 11, 1999
May 18, 2001