In 1992, a suburban New York teenager named Amy Fisher captured the national media's attention when she shot her lover's wife in the face. This sordid tale of underage sex, aggravated assault, and Joey Buttafuoco managed to spawn not one, not two, but three separate made-for-TV movies. Drew Barrymore, Alyssa Milano and Noëlle Parker all took stabs at portraying the disturbed young lady, yet a true on-screen depiction of Amy Fisher has never emerged - until now. In this Rashomon of found footage film, director Dan Kapelovitz mind-melds the multiple melodramas into one ultimate metadrama mashup.
Release Date: December 12, 2012
February 17, 1984
April 09, 1999
May 21, 1982
September 22, 1995
June 20, 2019
October 17, 2006
July 14, 2006
March 04, 1994
April 04, 2003
January 13, 1991
February 01, 2008
January 03, 1993
March 04, 2002
December 16, 1987
December 12, 2003
May 20, 1987
June 19, 2009
January 16, 2004
April 20, 2010
June 13, 1962