One of Shakespeare’s early comedies, The Comedy of Errors is a fast-paced farce exploring mistaken identities and relations lost and found. This production was captured by Digital Theatre live at the Clapham Community Project. It was devised specifically for schools and families by the Royal Shakespeare Company in collaboration with critically acclaimed theatre company, Told by an Idiot. Directed by Paul Hunter, it features a cast made up from the RSC’s ensemble and uses a pared down script, props, live music and physical comedy to convey the story.
Release Date: November 23, 2009
June 06, 2003
October 25, 2002
November 01, 2007
December 22, 2004
November 15, 1992
February 13, 2019
December 07, 2006
March 09, 2006
March 30, 2017
August 04, 2006
January 31, 1986
February 10, 2006
June 28, 1996
September 08, 2016
December 12, 2006
January 07, 2007
September 25, 2002
March 01, 1993
January 01, 1995
November 25, 1994