During the course of an ordinary week in Hollywood, movie producer Ben must navigate his way through shark-infested waters as he struggles to complete his latest projects. A demanding studio boss demands extensive changes to a movie starring Sean Penn, while another chief won't greenlight a project unless star Bruce Willis shaves his beard. Meanwhile, Ben tries to reconcile with his wife and maintain a relationship with his young daughter.
Release Date: October 17, 2008
October 29, 1963
August 01, 1991
October 01, 1985
July 31, 2005
December 08, 1989
December 12, 2005
September 09, 1970
December 25, 1997
September 06, 2002
March 19, 2004
April 03, 1992
October 15, 1998
March 23, 1983
October 03, 2003
March 17, 1982
March 24, 2006
July 07, 2000
April 07, 1971
January 11, 2007
February 07, 1987