This drama is based on the childhood memories of Hans Jürgen Massaquoi, who was one of the few black native Germans in Nazi Germany. In 1935 at the age of nine, he lives with his German mother in a small flat in Hamburg's working class district Barmbek, while his father and grandfather had left the country. Although the boy is not persecuted by the Nazis and dreams of joining the Hitler Youth, his skin color makes him a target for racist abuse...
Release Date: October 01, 2006
June 29, 2001
December 18, 1961
June 03, 1983
March 25, 2008
January 02, 1994
June 07, 1991
October 11, 1991
October 07, 1987
October 31, 1973
January 10, 1997
September 27, 2007
September 14, 2006
March 13, 2008
October 07, 1969
October 26, 2007
June 27, 1988
April 19, 2002
November 13, 1996
February 04, 2002
February 17, 2006