After the mysterious death of scientist Dr. Devin Villiers, Det. Frank Turner and his partner are assigned to protect Villiers' colleague, who revealed that a veteran soldier was subjected to an experiment with the objective of creating the ultimate national security weapon... an undetectable soldier. The experiment failed – with disastrous side effects.
Release Date: May 23, 2006
June 06, 1935
July 03, 1991
October 13, 1995
July 02, 2003
July 08, 1959
October 26, 2006
October 28, 2005
October 26, 1984
August 26, 1994
November 24, 2019
August 25, 1957
June 22, 1960
May 01, 2002
August 01, 1954
March 11, 2005
March 08, 2001
April 21, 2006
December 07, 1982
February 14, 2011
September 23, 2005