As Alice and Cora Munro attempt to find their father, a British officer in the French and Indian War, they are set upon by French soldiers and their cohorts, Huron tribesmen led by the evil Magua. Fighting to rescue the women are Chingachgook and his son Unkas, the last of the Mohican tribe, and their white ally, the frontiersman Natty Bumppo, known as Falkenauge.
Release Date: April 17, 1965
December 22, 1970
April 02, 1971
June 25, 1962
December 18, 1965
January 01, 1972
February 04, 1972
November 22, 1968
November 25, 1969
December 13, 1973
November 25, 1976
November 25, 1966
December 28, 1973
October 21, 1971
December 20, 1969
January 01, 1975
April 06, 1966
July 04, 1991
April 10, 1968
November 22, 1965
May 10, 1974