The story begins while Tommy Martin and his mother, Martha Martin say goodbye to Henry and Reuben Johnson. After having stopped by the Mennonite farm, where Tommy and Martha stay with the William and Annie Decker, the Johnsons are headed back to their hometown of Goshen. The balance of the film is concerned with both trying to get the necessary train fare and with Tommy clearing his name over a misunderstanding.
Release Date: September 22, 1938
January 14, 1981
September 01, 2010
August 18, 2010
March 04, 2006
October 28, 1998
August 20, 1992
November 18, 1983
February 06, 1987
December 14, 1984
February 21, 1958
December 19, 2021
October 15, 2004
November 12, 2004
November 27, 2003
October 27, 1982
July 06, 1930
December 21, 1956
November 07, 2007
December 14, 1996
September 30, 1935