Nama Tamago was a 2002 movie featuring Iida Kaori, Yaguchi Mari, Tsuji Nozomi and Goto Maki. The VHS was released in March 15, 2002 and later on DVD format on April 15, 2002. The story centers around four young girls who want to make it as table-tennis players. However, no matter how much each girl practices and tries her hardest, none of them improve, that is until one of the girls suggest they make a wager as to who can become the best, then the competition is on!
Release Date: March 14, 2002
April 03, 1982
May 12, 2017
August 09, 1996
May 21, 2003
January 01, 2002
March 30, 1990
June 17, 2004
February 23, 1996
July 21, 1989
May 26, 1994
June 08, 2006
June 02, 2005
May 25, 2005
February 20, 1997
October 05, 1994
June 02, 1989
November 01, 2001
August 08, 1986
September 29, 1994
April 26, 2002