Kimiko, a Tokyo white-collar working girl, lives with her serious, intellectual, haiku-writing mother. Kimiko seeks to marry her boyfriend but needs her absent father to act as the go-between and negotiate the marriage. Kimiko travels and finds her father living with a second family.
Release Date: August 15, 1935
November 27, 1928
November 03, 1953
March 16, 1954
April 16, 1992
October 24, 1993
June 01, 1955
October 11, 1935
May 17, 1976
March 08, 2023
March 23, 1979
December 21, 2000
March 09, 1994
August 29, 1958
September 19, 1984
November 12, 1998
July 16, 1999
April 10, 1957
June 22, 1966
October 30, 1997