In the year 2070, the planet Earth is ruled by a single government entity and a conglomeration of corporations that hold absolute power. The crime rate is virtually nonexistent and the Citizens Protection Bureau defends the innocent from unchecked sociotechnological forces. But when the Bureau partner of Agent David Hume is dramatically gunned down, Hume's determination to uncover the dangerous truth behind this shocking crime leads him on a pulse-pounding race through the galaxy.
Release Date: January 05, 1999
October 13, 1995
February 04, 1983
June 28, 2014
November 30, 2005
November 18, 1995
August 20, 2008
November 23, 2016
January 24, 1997
October 06, 2016
July 07, 2006
August 04, 1995
November 17, 2000
July 22, 1989
April 07, 1989
March 05, 1992
December 25, 2003
May 26, 1995
May 23, 1981
January 08, 2019
February 27, 1998