The second movie directed by Humayun Ahmed. Revolving around a folk singer, his love interest and the local aristocratic family's involvement, the movie offered some beautiful folk songs like Amar Gaye Joto Dukhkho Shoy by Bari Siddiqui. Golam Mustafa, Zahid Hasan, Mahfuz, Mukti and Shaon played the main characters in the film.
Release Date: December 11, 2000
November 02, 2018
January 11, 2013
December 27, 2013
February 02, 2021
March 07, 2003
July 16, 2004
March 19, 2004
March 15, 2002
September 13, 2005
January 27, 1995
June 16, 2004
February 10, 2006
August 21, 1987
September 06, 2002
May 12, 1994
December 07, 2000
March 23, 1990
October 26, 2005
February 11, 1993