Set in the future, where Brazil is ruled by a dictatorship capable of infiltrating and invading people's minds, bending their thoughts and controlling their dreams. A worker from the Censorship Department is forced to join forces with a group of rebels that seek to free the people throught dreams that recall a distant and lost art: the movies.
Release Date: February 07, 2018
October 29, 2023
September 01, 1947
March 31, 1999
May 15, 2003
November 05, 2003
June 05, 1929
August 15, 1939
February 23, 2007
October 21, 2006
March 19, 2004
February 20, 1985
September 23, 1987
October 26, 2001
February 27, 1987
October 08, 1993
March 24, 2006
March 05, 1992
July 12, 1985
April 25, 2024
September 08, 1988