The story begins with a scientist creating a device shaped like a man that can be remote-controlled by a machine. The mechanical man possess super-human speed and strength. The scientist is killed however by a gang of criminals, led by a woman named Mado, who wish to get the instructions for building the mechanical man. The criminals are captured before they are able to get them and are brought to trial and condemned. Mado manages to escape and kidnaps the scientist's niece whom she forces to give her the instructions which she uses to build a mechanical man.
Release Date: November 01, 1921
May 11, 1973
December 07, 1945
June 18, 1927
June 15, 1959
December 19, 2016
June 20, 1926
June 28, 1957
January 01, 1981
November 26, 1923
November 16, 1919
July 06, 1916
December 25, 1922
November 19, 1916
January 14, 1928
December 24, 1932
November 21, 1931
September 24, 2020
November 29, 1939
April 22, 2016
July 04, 1920