Cary, Shep, Bill, and Francis are pilots during World War I. The four friends, haunted by the devastation of the war, head to Paris instead of home, where they meet Nikki, an eccentric and wealthy young woman. Nikki is drawn to Cary, and the five friends, tagged by the boorish reporter, Frink, drink their way from Paris to Lisbon.
Release Date: August 29, 1931
June 14, 1933
January 01, 1964
October 20, 1932
May 27, 1933
December 26, 1933
May 09, 1934
February 14, 1967
May 25, 1932
April 06, 2017
May 01, 1947
December 22, 1930
May 21, 1932
January 01, 1932
April 29, 1930
April 01, 1930
September 01, 1932
February 25, 1933
November 12, 2004
November 05, 1937
October 20, 1983