John is a cheerful and energetic young boy, who lives in a small coal-mining town in England. One day he finds a small dog lost in a flock of sheep. John takes him back home and names the puppy Lassie. Soon they become good friends, just like real siblings. Lassie is a very lovely and smart dog, so everyone in the town loves her very much. But their happy life doesn't last long. Suddenly a coal-mine owner closes his company because there is no more coal left in the coal mine. John goes to meet the coal-mine owner to request a further investigation. The owner accepts John's request, but in exchange for that, he takes Lassie to Scotland. Priscilla, the owner's granddaughter and also John's friend, cannot just stand by and let Lassie suffer in a cage. She opens the cage and sets Lassie free. Lassie sets out on a very long and hard journey from Scotland to her hometown.
Release Date: March 26, 2001
April 10, 1977
June 27, 1973
September 01, 2000
April 06, 1934
June 23, 2006
April 28, 1989
February 16, 2000
February 11, 2005
July 27, 2023
Invalid Date
November 08, 1939
July 20, 1939
March 08, 1939
December 24, 1981
December 12, 1985
April 02, 2008
September 13, 2016
December 28, 1937
April 13, 2001
September 21, 1979