A seasoned veteran of comedy clubs and late night television, Jimmy Pardo has appeared on such shows as "The Tonight Show", "Conan", "The Late Late Show" and his own half hour special on Comedy Central. Utilizing his trademark crowd work skills, Jimmy spent the last 6 years as Conan O'Brien's opening act at "Conan" tapings. Jimmy has also appeared on "Conan" as a panel guest, a field correspondent and recently filled in as co-host. He also conducts the unconventional celebrity backstage interviews for Teamcoco.com's "The Pardo Patrol." In 2006, Jimmy Pardo became a podcasting pioneer when he began hosting the raucous-but-smart weekly podcast "Never Not Funny", which Entertainment Weekly called "one of the sharpest and gut-bustingest shows on the Internet." The show has been named a top comedy podcast by The AV Club, Esquire, GQ and USA Today, and its guest list (Conan O'Brien, Jon Hamm, Richard Lewis, Zach Galifianakis and Sarah Silverman, just to name a few) reads like a Who's Who of Hollywood. Never Not Funny also hosts the annual Pardcast-a-Thon fundraiser, a 12-hour marathon webcast to benefit Smile Train. To date, the Pardcast-a-Thons have raised over half a million dollars for the charity. Over the years Jimmy has also been seen on such shows as "Comedy Bang Bang", "@Midnight", "Maron" and "Monk". He hosted "National Lampoon's Funny Money" for Game Show Network, four seasons of AMC's "Movies at Our House," and episodes of NBC's "Late Friday", VH1's "The Surreal Life" and "The Playboy Morning Show". Jimmy has recorded three comedy albums: "Uno," "Pompous Clown" and 2013's "Sprezzatura," which Entertainment Weekly named one of the 5 Best Stand-Up Albums of the year.
Birthday: July 28, 1966
March 30, 2023
June 27, 2010
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April 20, 2005
January 23, 2015
November 17, 2016
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February 20, 2016
April 27, 2017
May 01, 2006
September 11, 2021
August 23, 1998
January 09, 2003
July 12, 2002
July 29, 1983
November 02, 1998
March 12, 2008
November 08, 2008
June 08, 2003
March 27, 2005
July 25, 2015
October 21, 2013
September 13, 1998
September 13, 1995
May 27, 2014
November 08, 2010