Branislav Nušić (1864 –1938), born Alkibijad Nuša, was a Serbian playwright, satirist, essayist and novelist. He also worked as a journalist and a civil servant. In 1887, Nušić published a poem titled Dva raba ("Two Servants"), which ridiculed the Serbian King Milan for attending the funeral of an unpopular general's mother. Nušić was subsequently arrested, convicted of lèse-majesté and sentenced to two year's imprisonment. He was released after a year due to good behaviour. Nušić is more celebrated as a playwright than as a novelist. Of his plays, the most popular are comedies The Cabinet Minister's Wife (Госпођа министарка), A Suspicious Person (Сумњиво лице), A Member of the Parliament (Народни посланик), Bereaved Family (Ожалошћена породица), The Deceased (Покојник), and Doctor (Др).
Birthday: October 20, 1864
Death: January 19, 1938
February 04, 1986
January 01, 1990
January 18, 1989
August 30, 1957
March 08, 1984
December 23, 1969
January 01, 1990
January 01, 1989
February 25, 1953
July 12, 1965
May 04, 1950
January 01, 1990
January 01, 1989
June 15, 1966
April 05, 1982
January 01, 2004
January 01, 1958
January 01, 1969
January 01, 1964
January 01, 1962
July 12, 1964
January 16, 1954
January 01, 1979
December 26, 1979
January 11, 1980
February 19, 1990