Sakakida debuted in film in 1921, and appeared in a number pre-war films with various studios, including Nikkatsu, Takamatsu-Azuma, Empire Kinema, and Makino Talkie, before finally landing at PCL in 1937, which would later become Toho. After the war, Sakakida appeared in numerous supporting roles for Toho, predominantly sci-fi, beginning with the original Godzilla in 1954. He played the mayor of the island town attacked by Godzilla in the first half of the film. One of his last appearances was in Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975), in a still shot of a group of scientists restraining Akihiko Hirata’s character.
Birthday: January 15, 1900
May 17, 1934
April 22, 1941
November 17, 1973
March 05, 1957
September 29, 1932
October 13, 1962
June 08, 1968
October 21, 1953
July 08, 1952
February 14, 1940
December 22, 1963
November 03, 1954
December 26, 1956
June 24, 1958
November 09, 1938
April 26, 1954
March 21, 1962
February 26, 1941
December 18, 1940
September 17, 1941
July 30, 1940
December 29, 1954
December 11, 1960
April 19, 1929
November 25, 1966
February 09, 1970
March 21, 1950
June 21, 1936
May 19, 1939
June 28, 1956
October 09, 1952
April 14, 1943
April 12, 1959
February 02, 1938
November 30, 1939
July 15, 1952