American artist, animator and set designer, known for his work with the Walt Disney Animation Studios and Walt Disney Imagineering. His pioneering work with the company helped define the character of animated films, and later, immersive installations with his designs for Disneyland. Coats was inducted a Disney Legend in 1991. -Wikipedia
Birthday: January 17, 1913
Death: January 09, 1992
September 23, 1955
July 18, 1952
April 27, 1956
August 08, 1952
March 16, 1945
February 11, 1942
November 23, 1938
February 23, 1940
February 05, 1953
January 14, 1938
January 06, 1945
July 13, 1945
August 13, 1948
June 30, 1950
December 21, 1944
March 20, 1957
November 11, 1953
August 25, 2004
October 14, 1989
January 03, 1965