Edina Maria Ronay (born January 1943) is an Anglo-Hungarian fashion designer and former actress from Budapest, Hungary. She appeared in various films and television shows in the 1960s, but retired from acting in the mid 1970s to take up a career in fashion design, and formed her own company in 1984.
Birthday: January 08, 1943
January 01, 1965
February 25, 1967
September 22, 1964
January 04, 1974
December 23, 1969
June 17, 1965
September 14, 1967
January 01, 1968
January 01, 1970
July 07, 1964
October 01, 1965
November 26, 1965
November 05, 1969
December 01, 1963
March 14, 1968
October 19, 1964
October 01, 1965
December 22, 1960