The Japanese actor Eiji Kusuhara played the sadistic Lieutenant Sato in the television series Tenko (1981-85), was one of the narrators on the cult show Banzai (2001) and appeared on stages across the UK and Europe in a variety of beguiling roles. He was one of the first professional Japanese actors active in London in the 1970s and enjoyed something of a monopoly on roles until he starred alongside a fellow countryman, Togo Igawa, in The Man Who Shot Christmas (1984). Eiji spent most of his adult life in Britain.
Birthday: January 02, 1947
Death: April 23, 2010
July 11, 1989
October 14, 1990
December 15, 1999
February 01, 1990
April 26, 1985
March 29, 1987
July 16, 1999
October 09, 1980
June 01, 1985
August 10, 2001
February 18, 1980
November 07, 1980
February 28, 2007
October 03, 1985
December 09, 1994
May 25, 1983
January 01, 2002
October 16, 2006
July 24, 1987