Béla Ternovszky is a Hungarian animator best known for Cat City (1986) and animated series Master Eder and his Pumuckl (1995-2005). In 1961, after passing his high school diploma, he enrolled in the philosophy - aesthetics department of the Evening University of Marxism-Leninism , where he graduated in 1964. He then worked at Pannónia Filmstúdió and later at Filmvállalat. He was initially a draftsman, then a motion designer and director. In 1979, in the Federal Republic of Germany, he worked with Infafilm at the Bavarian television station Bayerischer Rundfunk . After making the successful Master Eder and his Pumuckl series, between 1995 and 2005, Studio II. Kft. is also one of the owners and directors. He retired in 2003. His first own short film, Modern training methods, won numerous domestic and international festival awards. He gained international fame in 1986 with the highly successful cartoon "Cat City." Married, his wife Karola Ács is a production manager. They have three daughters.
Birthday: May 23, 1943
October 02, 1986
December 20, 2007
January 01, 2005
January 01, 1970
January 01, 1975
January 01, 1974
October 30, 2001
April 02, 1982
December 06, 1999
October 08, 2002
October 18, 2002
October 31, 1978
February 07, 2023
November 05, 2004
November 20, 2003
December 05, 2002
March 27, 2003