Masaki Kajishima is an animator, animation supervisor and character designer from Okayama Prefecture, Japan. He entered Studio Junio after graduating from Osaka Design College. Kajishima admired Sonoda Ken'ichi's characters and came to Tokyo to join the Gall Force production team in AIC. After Gall Force, he worked for AIC in a freelance capacity and became mainly known for creating the Tenchi Muyou! universe. Besides his anime works, he also wrote doujinshi and novels.
Birthday: March 15, 1962
September 25, 1992
September 25, 1998
July 25, 2009
May 22, 2009
August 25, 1992
April 08, 1999
November 21, 1997
October 06, 2014
May 25, 2023