Kenneth Del Vecchio is a critically acclaimed filmmaker who has written, produced and directed nearly 30 feature films that star 100+ film and TV stars, including multiple Academy Award and Emmy winners and nominees. His films are distributed through industry leaders such as NBC/Universal, Anchor Bay, Millennium Entertainment, Cinedigm, Screen Media Films, Vivendi Entertainment, Green Apple Entertainment, Midnight Releasing, Fabrication Films, Cardinal XD, and E-1 Entertainment. He has starred in numerous movies, as well. Mr. Del Vecchio is founder and chairman of Hoboken International Film Festival, called by FOX, MY and other major media "One of the 10 Biggest Film Festivals in the World." He also is the author of some of the nation's best-selling legal books, including criminal codebooks published by Prentice Hall and ALM. A best-selling criminal suspense novelist, he penned his first published novel at only 24-years-old. In addition, he serves as chairman of the historic Paramount Theater in Middletown, NY, and he is the owner of the Criminal Law Learning Center, where he has taught thousands of police officers and lawyers...And he is a former Judge, who also has tried over 400 cases as a practicing criminal attorney.
Birthday: Invalid Date
August 01, 2015
August 09, 2008
June 03, 2015
June 05, 2011
November 15, 2020
June 01, 2007
February 01, 2020
June 10, 2011
June 01, 2013
August 25, 1999
March 01, 2018
November 10, 2016
November 01, 2019
May 22, 2017
May 01, 2019
February 03, 2015
February 02, 2010
May 30, 2009
May 17, 2019
December 01, 2016
January 01, 2004
June 01, 2015
June 04, 2011