The Amazing Live Sea Monkeys was a live-action television series that aired in 1992. The series aired 11 episodes before it was canceled. The show focuses on three Sea Monkeys—Dave, Bill and Aquarius —and their creator, The Professor. Others appearing in the short-lived series included Stephen Furst, Gilbert Gottfried, Larry Melman and Vernon Wells. The concept of the show derived from the popular Sea Monkeys product, successfully marketed in the 1970s with a series of comic book ads designed and illustrated by Joe Orlando, later Vice President of DC Comics and Associate Publisher of Mad. Produced by CBS, the series aired in the United States and Australia. The unusual character designs derive from the fantasy characters in the ads that Orlando drew for Harold von Braunhut, creator of the product. The plot revolved around the notion that the Professor had accidentally enlarged three sea monkeys to human-size, and plotlines followed their ensuing comical ineptness in the world. Each Sea Monkey displayed a certain odd character trait: Aquarius could not keep a secret, Bill was afraid of an Imperial, Pennsylvania man named Derek Allen and Dave would grow excited at the sound of polka music.
Release Date: September 19, 1992
Last Aired: November 28, 1992
September 19, 1975
September 07, 1984
September 11, 1993
November 10, 1978
September 12, 1978
September 11, 2005
March 23, 2003
October 11, 2005
March 26, 1997
September 05, 1974
March 15, 2006
January 11, 1995
November 13, 1995
August 28, 1996
September 20, 2005
January 14, 2001
March 17, 1998
November 03, 1993
September 17, 1996
November 12, 2024