Hazel is an American sitcom about a fictional live-in maid named Hazel Burke and her employers, the Baxters. The five-season, 154-episode series aired in primetime from September 28, 1961 until April 11, 1966 and was produced by Screen Gems. The show aired on NBC for its first four seasons, and then on CBS for its final season. The first season, except for one color episode was in black and white, the remainder in color. The show was based on the popular single-panel comic strip by cartoonist Ted Key, which appeared in the Saturday Evening Post.
Release Date: September 28, 1961
Last Aired: April 11, 1966
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April 06, 1981
April 22, 1990
November 03, 1993
September 09, 1999
October 03, 1984
April 10, 2019
March 20, 1989
June 25, 2014
September 08, 1983
July 04, 2021
April 08, 2016
July 24, 2022
April 02, 2010
October 08, 2010
October 29, 1981
December 05, 2022
March 05, 2004
September 15, 1963
September 19, 1997
October 07, 2022