High Rollers is an American television game show based on the dice game Shut the Box. The show aired on NBC from July 1, 1974 to June 11, 1976 and again from April 24, 1978 to June 20, 1980. Two different syndicated versions were also produced, a weekly series in the 1975–1976 season which ran concurrently with the daytime version, and a daily series in 1987–1988. Heatter-Quigley Productions packaged all versions of the series except the 1987 revival, a co-production of Merrill Heatter Productions and Century Towers Productions.
Release Date: July 01, 1974
Last Aired: July 01, 1974
November 07, 2020
September 07, 2010
April 27, 1974
September 30, 2013
September 30, 1991
December 30, 1963
September 07, 1950
December 07, 1987
March 05, 2001
August 26, 2003
March 22, 2013
May 11, 2014
November 22, 2014
April 02, 2019
January 31, 2005
April 30, 1945
October 05, 2009
January 17, 2014
January 07, 1985
September 11, 2003