With an all-star cast led by Matsudaira Ken and Natsuyagi Isao, this exciting tale set in the aftermath of the fall of Osaka Castle tells the story of the last of the Toyotomi heirs in his quest for revenge against the Tokugawa. Hidenari, the son of Hideyori and grandson of Hideyoshi is smuggled to safety after his hideout is discovered. Bringing together many of the most renowned historical figures from that era, including Hattori Hanzo, Yagyu Jubei, and Miyamoto Musashi, the gathering forces of each faction strive to succeed in battle. Spectacular action sequences abound as some of the most powerful forces in Japan prepare to meet on the field of battle! Original story by Shibata Renzaburo.
Release Date: January 06, 1993
Last Aired: January 13, 1993
April 09, 1986
April 28, 1976
January 01, 1997
October 21, 1999
April 06, 1975
January 02, 2011
January 02, 1993
October 19, 1982
January 14, 2016
May 10, 2019
January 02, 1986
January 07, 2001
April 27, 1978
January 01, 2024
April 18, 2023
January 24, 2023
October 03, 2018
November 28, 2018
October 27, 2018
December 22, 1972