The Secret Show is a British animated show commissioned by BBC Worldwide in partnership with BBC Children's. Production of the show began in 2004 and first debuted in 2006. It currently airs on CBBC, ABC1, BBC One, BBC Kids, Teletoon+, MBC3, 2x2, Disney Channel Latin America, TVB Pearl, and TSR 2. It debuted on the American Nicktoons on January 20, 2007, and was later cancelled in 2011. It also used to air on Jetix Latin America
Release Date: September 16, 2006
Last Aired: April 07, 2007
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November 09, 2018
September 29, 1985
August 17, 2007
August 19, 1968
July 20, 2002
January 13, 1997
September 22, 1964
September 28, 1993
July 02, 2022
September 24, 2007
December 21, 2020
September 15, 1965
September 28, 2015
October 05, 2001
September 07, 1990
July 01, 2008
February 22, 1988
September 20, 1975
August 07, 2004
January 07, 1961