Amy Prentiss is an American police drama television series which aired on NBC. It is a spinoff of Ironside, and aired as part of the NBC Mystery Movie from 1974-1975. Jessica Walter stars as Amy Prentiss, a relatively young investigator who becomes the first female Chief of Detectives for the San Francisco Police Department. Helen Hunt, in an early role, played Prentiss' pre-teen daughter, Jill. Four 2-hour episodes were aired. Guest stars in the series' brief run included William Shatner, Cameron Mitchell, Don Murray, Joyce Van Patten and Jamie Farr.
Release Date: December 01, 1974
Last Aired: February 02, 1975
October 05, 2003
January 07, 2001
September 19, 1965
October 23, 1998
March 15, 1999
February 18, 2007
January 19, 2014
October 24, 1981
January 10, 2001
September 19, 1986
January 09, 2006
April 16, 2005
March 15, 1980
August 25, 2013
August 08, 2019
November 28, 2018
October 10, 1990
January 11, 2021
November 07, 1991
October 03, 1994