Carol & Company is a comedy program airing on NBC-TV in the United States during 1990 and 1991. Carol & Company applied an unusual repertory approach to television comedy. Every week, Carol Burnett and her fellow players, Peter Krause, Jeremy Piven, Meagen Fay, Terry Kiser, Anita Barone, and Richard Kind, performed a different half-hour comedy playlet. Only the performers remained the same from week to week; there were no ongoing characters or plots, although there were guest stars from time to time; Betty White was one who made an appearance. In 1991, Carol's cohort, Tim Conway made a cameo appearance as audience member in an episode, "That Little Extra Something." Carol & Company began as a midseason replacement in January 1990, and was subsequently picked up for a full season and ran until July 1991. In 1990 Swoosie Kurtz won an Emmy for her appearance in the episode titled Reunion.
Release Date: March 31, 1990
Last Aired: May 04, 1991
March 23, 2023
March 25, 1973
June 10, 1989
October 18, 1987
September 18, 1985
September 29, 1985
October 13, 2023
April 06, 2023
January 05, 2022
October 10, 2020
September 26, 1961
January 07, 1976
November 14, 1991
November 23, 2018
November 02, 1982
September 25, 1952
October 06, 1959
September 24, 1955
January 16, 2005
June 17, 2005