Michael Nesmith in Television Parts is a summer TV series run by NBC in 1985. It was a 30-minute comedy-variety series created by Michael Nesmith as a continuation of his Grammy Award-winning video production Elephant Parts, and earlier series PopClips. The first episode was a stand-alone television special which aired on March 7, 1985. The following series premiered on June 14, 1985. The show was a mix of music videos mixed in with comedy sketches, commercial parodies, and general silliness. It was hosted by Nesmith himself, who also participated in many of the sketches. Television Parts also featured guest appearances by a number of comedians, including Martin Mull, Whoopi Goldberg, Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld, Bill Martin, The Funny Boys and Garry Shandling, whose appearance on the show was the seed for It's Garry Shandling's Show. One of the show's featured pieces, "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey" was later picked up by Saturday Night Live. The show was cancelled after one short summer season that same year. It would return in 1985 as two separate home video releases on VHS and Betamax, Television Parts Home Companion and Dr. Duck's Super Secret All-Purpose Sauce. The first was a 40-minute compilation of original show featuring the comedy skits and music by Michael Nesmith only. Dr. Duck's Super Secret All-Purpose Sauce was a 90-minute montage of sketch comedy with a variety of stars and music videos. The stars included Bobcat Goldthwait, Ed Begley, Jr., Jimmy Buffett, Rosanne Cash, Whoopi Goldberg, Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld and Garry Shandling.
Release Date: March 07, 1985
Last Aired: March 07, 1985
September 27, 1987
June 20, 1970
July 30, 1999
April 09, 2013
January 28, 1960
October 02, 1954
February 09, 1996
June 08, 2002
March 08, 2022
December 02, 2011
April 05, 1987
May 10, 1991
April 02, 1999
December 08, 1991
September 29, 1962
September 10, 1950
January 21, 1978
September 21, 1963
October 16, 1999
June 08, 1948