Button Moon is a quirky, popular children's television programme broadcast in the United Kingdom in the 1980s on the ITV Network. Thames Television produced each episode, which lasted ten minutes and featured the adventures of Mr. Spoon who, in each episode, travels to Button Moon in his homemade rocket-ship. All of the characters within the show are based on kitchen utensils, as well as many of the props. Once on Button Moon, which hangs in "blanket sky", they have an adventure, and look through Mr. Spoon's telescope at someone else such as the Hare and the Tortoise, before heading back to their home on 'Junk Planet'. Episodes also include Mr. Spoon's wife, "Mrs. Spoon", their daughter, "Tina Tea-Spoon" and her friend "Eggbert". The series ended in 1988 after 91 episodes.
Release Date: December 08, 1980
Last Aired: November 17, 1988
September 04, 1975
October 02, 2000
January 20, 1979
April 12, 2023
July 15, 2004
October 03, 1983
January 16, 1995
August 30, 1999
October 18, 2004
September 08, 1966
September 26, 2001
September 09, 1973
January 03, 1993
March 28, 1999
February 15, 1988
September 28, 1987
October 03, 1994
July 03, 2019
July 27, 1997
January 04, 2014