The Peter Principle is a BBC television show about the Aldbridge Branch of the fictional County & Provincial Bank. It originally aired in the late 1990s and is now a part of the PBS program lineup at some PBS stations, which call it The Boss. The program takes its name from the Peter Principle, that In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.
Release Date: June 02, 1997
Last Aired: July 03, 2000
April 19, 2017
November 14, 2013
September 05, 1981
April 26, 2023
January 23, 1975
April 14, 1989
October 02, 2008
February 08, 2024
March 14, 1982
September 19, 1975
September 07, 1984
March 23, 2003
November 13, 1995
August 28, 1996
March 24, 2005
February 20, 1997
February 03, 2006
December 30, 1977
July 01, 1996
November 10, 2003