The Old Grey Whistle Test is an influential BBC2 television music show that ran from 1971 to 1987. It took over the BBC2 late night slot from "Disco Two", which had been running since January 1970, while continuing to feature non-chart music. It was devised by BBC producer Rowan Ayers. According to presenter Bob Harris, the programme derived its name from a Tin Pan Alley phrase from years before. When they got the first pressing of a record they would play it to people they called the old greys—doormen in grey suits. The songs they could remember and whistle, having heard it just once or twice, had passed the old grey whistle test.
Release Date: September 21, 1971
Last Aired: April 22, 1987
May 10, 2015
June 03, 2003
January 03, 1951
February 16, 2013
September 13, 2021
October 11, 2011
February 03, 2022
December 31, 1972
May 18, 2020
October 09, 1992
January 01, 1964
September 19, 2011
June 10, 1996
September 25, 1965
November 20, 2020
November 16, 2020
January 31, 2022
August 14, 2012
October 14, 1995