Blockbuster drama based on the novel Sekigahara by Ryotaro Shiba, a program dedicated to the 30th anniversary of TBS. A total of 120 actors, 3,500 extras and about 500 horses recreated the largest battle in history, the Battle of Sekigahara, in which 200,000 warriors clashed from east and west. The battle, which can be called a turning point in the history of Japan, depicts the conflict, love and hate between people on a grand scale and with a great cast.
Release Date: January 02, 1981
Last Aired: January 04, 1981
January 08, 2006
January 04, 1998
September 02, 1972
January 14, 2016
May 10, 2019
January 02, 1986
January 07, 2001
April 03, 1994
June 04, 1993
January 05, 1992
January 06, 1991
January 11, 1981
January 06, 1980
January 04, 1976
January 08, 1995
February 14, 2021
January 01, 1989
January 06, 1985
January 07, 2008
January 06, 2002