A South African Supermarionation children's television show about an undercover planetary defence agency operating from Cape Town under the guise of an interstellar shipping company. The show mirrored the real world political issues of international isolation facing Apartheid South Africa with the Earth being depicted as a galactic pariah of the "Interplanetary League" due to its cold war with the planet "Krokon". The villain in the series was depicted by Prince Karnati or his evil henchmen.
Release Date: July 20, 1982
Last Aired: May 10, 1986
June 10, 1989
September 30, 1965
May 08, 2013
September 06, 1969
October 08, 1993
April 14, 2017
February 08, 2016
December 17, 1978
February 15, 2022
October 03, 1994
October 20, 1997
January 04, 1993
December 24, 1977
November 30, 1974
March 27, 2002
May 26, 2018
November 10, 1969
December 10, 1993