These Arms of Mine was a Canadian television drama series, which aired on CBC Television in the 2000-01 television season. The show revolved around a group of professional friends in their 30s living in Vancouver, British Columbia. The cast included Alex Carter as photographer David Bishop and Shauna MacDonald as radio announcer Claire Monroe, whose long distance relationship formed the core of the series. The cast also included Stuart Margolin as Miles Rankin, a former American draft dodger running for Vancouver city council, Conrad Coates as Steven Armstrong, a gay drama teacher grieving the recent death of his partner to AIDS, Babz Chula as magazine editor Esme Price, and Byron Lawson as her much younger restaurateur husband Amos Lee.
Release Date: November 03, 2000
Last Aired: March 16, 2001
September 26, 1999
June 02, 2004
June 25, 2006
January 10, 2001
March 05, 2002
February 21, 2022
January 23, 1998
August 23, 1998
October 01, 1972
December 26, 1992
May 22, 2023
March 14, 1999
July 04, 2024
October 13, 2008
January 20, 2015
February 24, 2014
June 18, 2014
August 22, 1985
October 14, 2015
January 04, 2016